Joanna Thomson – Trustee

Joanna Thomson - Trustee

Joanna Thomson – Trustee

Joanna Thomson - Trustee

I was born and brought up at the Kingston Nature Cure Clinic in Edinburgh; my grandparents James C Thomson and Jessie R Thomson founded the Nature Cure movement in Scotland early in the 20th century. My father, C Leslie Thomson and his two sisters, Hazel and Joyce, and my grandparents established the Kingston Clinic in 1938 – a truly family business. I am steeped in the Nature Cure way of life but of course as any child should, I have questioned the veracity and methods of my forebears over the years, but when I have investigated, or contemplated, the alternatives, I have always seen the common sense in it. I still cheer every time I hear of some new piece of scientific research on the media that confirms for me anew what my grandfather first said 100 years ago. I see it as another small step towards reason and a wider understanding of our body’s inherent healing capabilities.

Although I chose to follow my artistic career as a precious metal jewellery designer and maker rather than immediately studying to become a practitioner, Nature Cure has always informed my approach to life. My business designing and making precious jewellery was the way I earned my living and supported my family and I believe that some form of creativity is an essential part of maintaining good health. I have also managed a theatre and worked with an environmental group as well as studying to become a fellow of the Gemmological Association of GB with Diamond Grading Diploma, during my working years.

When I did decide to study Nature Cure more deeply after my father’s death, I was fortunate enough to be taught by some of the graduates of the Edinburgh School of Natural Therapeutics (that was based at the Kingston Clinic in Edinburgh) during the four-year course. I now see patients in a small practice near Peebles and I am the Registrar of the Incorporated Society of Registered Naturopaths, Secretary and Treasurer of the Tait Vision Fund (a charity that supports the delivery of Nature Cure treatment to patients who would otherwise not be able to afford it) and on the committee of the Thomson Kingston Trust (that runs the training courses).

I am also the mother of two sons brought up on Nature Cure principles who can both see the sense in the way of life and follow it as best as their lives will allow. I am also a grandmother of two little girls and two little boys. I have two highland ponies, and live with a handful of cats and two dogs. I have a medium sized organic garden where I grow salad greens and vegetables all year round.

Joanna Thomson ND
2 Mailingsland Cottages
EH45 8PH
01721 722 936
0777 357 8341